Looking for something in Costa Rica
Just what are you looking for in Costa Rica? Trying to locate someone? Trying to check up on a loved one? Perhaps, finding a piece of real estate to purchase. Whatever the case we are here and are ready to help in any way that we can. Some of the things that have changed dramatically over the past 2 years due to the covid pandemic. Such as people moving to live with family due to no work for example.Currently, there are numerous schemes and scams going on with regard to visitors coming to Costa Rica that are unaware of the changes that have occurred during this time. Remember always that you are in a third world country. Be prudent and cautious.
Changes came from top level in Government
Regardless of what you are looking for in Costa Rica, inquiries and the manner to obtain them has been impacted by the changes brought on as a result of Covid 19. According to the University of Costa Rica all of the information concerning the pandemic and the subsequent changes has been orchestrated by to level government.
Most who seek locating someone here are unaware that Costa Rica has no street addresses. It is all descriptive. Additionally there are no protocols in place that update the locations as they are listed in the various registries. Some of the locations could be one to twenty years old. The older the listing of an address the higher likelihood of landmarks changes increases with time. Contacting the U.S. Embassy here to locate someone is uneventful as they will refer you yo the local law enforcement agencies.
We are here to help you.Our firm has accumulated years of experience and knowledge about this beautiful country. I know what can be reasonable expectations on obtaining the information you seek. We also are a law firm and can help you with many things others can’t.
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