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My Husband is in Costa Rica, Alone


My Husband is in Costa Rica, Alone?

Many women have called me with a suspicion. They ask me; “My Husband is in Costa Rica, Alone ” should I be concerned? Here is a compilation of some of the signs of a husband that may be cheating.  These observations only indicate conduct of a cheating husband. They are not absolutes!  If your husband exhibits one or two of these traits, and there is a legitimate reason and a mutual agreement (such as the two of you agree to try to lose weight, he gets a little obsessive about it), this by and of itself does NOT indicate infidelity.  As an experienced Private Investigator, I have seen many forms of deception.

Listen to your Intuition;

Why My Husband is in Costa Rica, Alone?

However, when you observe several, or many, of these traits, your marriage may be in jeopardy.  Most of this is based on many years of surveilling cheaters. I have established a pretty good idea of traits that indicate an affair. Especially in Costa Rica. For example, the pretext to the wife that there is a group going on a fishing trip in Jaco. Jaco is now the hotbed for sex tourism in Costa Rica. The chances of infidelity increase exponentially if your spouse goes to or near Jaco.

Obvious Clue: Why is he in Costa Rica without you?

Many of my clients call and ask about surveillance of their husband. I have heard all kinds of stories. The most pressing question, every woman should have is, why is he there without me. Or, alternatively, why does he go there regularly?

Clue # 1–Gut Instinct:

  • A sure sign of a cheating spouse; is having to ask that question in the first place.
  • Your husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you.
  • Your intuition (gut feeling) tells you that something is not right.
  • You find intimate apparel or other small gift-type items that are gifts for someone else.

Clue # 2–Traits That Are Not Their Usual Personality:

  • When your partner shows up without their wedding ring. He suddenly stops wearing it and makes lame excuses as to why. This also goes for jewelry you might have purchased for him and you see them not wearing it when they go out when normally they wear it at all time.
  • When they change their normal routine at work and home for no apparent reason; unusual behavior.
  • When he becomes suddenly forgetful. You have to tell him/her everything several times; their thoughts are obviously elsewhere.
  • When they appear distant, show a lack of interest, or demonstrate unexplained aloofness.
  • When his behavior just doesn’t “add up”.
  • When your wife sleeps with her cell phone. Alternatively, when your husband sneaks out of the house.
  • When your husband suddenly becomes combative or argumentative. He completely ignores you and not listening to what you are saying.
  • When they tell you to get out more and promote out of town excursions.
  • When your husband intentionally looks at or flirts with the opposite sex.

The post My Husband is in Costa Rica, Alone appeared first on Costa Rica Private Investigator.

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